What’s In Our Water?

What’s In Our Water? Chlorination is an essential barrier for waterborne pathogens such as Cryptosporidium and Giardia, to ensure the safe supply of drinking water. However, to kill these pathogens effectively the chlorine dosage must be very concentrated, this is called the disinfection process. Even though we need this disinfection process the by-products are becoming…

Fluoride: Is It Good For Us?

Fluoride: Is It Good For Us? Water is currently our main dietary source of fluoride, but there’s very little hard evidence to suggest that this naturally occurring mineral is good for us. The word “natural” gives the impression it is good for us, but deadly nitrate, cyanide, sulphuric acid, mercury, lead the list goes on,…

How Activated Charcoal can Help with Parvovirus

How Activated Charcoal can Help with Parvovirus Parvovirus is a disease that attacks the small intestine lining, causing it to stop replicating effectively. Bacteria/virus multiply in the intestines like how worms would, this makes it impossible for young dogs to absorb nutrients and it allows the bacteria in the intestines to infect the rest of…

EMF Damage in your body

EMF Damage in your body There is a lot of talk about the danger of EMF technology, especially as the whole world rolls out 5.G No-one knows what the scientists are going to uncover, but one thing we do know is that EMF causes cellular stress and There’s no denying that EMFs are TOXIC. Over…

Chron’s Disease

Activated Charcoal and Chron’s Disease Chron’s Disease is a type of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). It causes swelling of the tissues in your digestive tract, which can cause abdominal pain, diarrhea, weight loss, anemia, and fatigue. Some people may be symptom free most of their lives, while others can have severe chronic symptoms that never…


Did you know Carcinogens are in our midst? We tend to think that all body care products are safe, but for many of us it comes as a shock that the most toxic chemicals are hidden in our bathroom cabinets. Anything that leads to cancer is known as a carcinogen. Does the skin absorb enough…